7th Meeting of Butterfly Watching


Standing Orders


(Final version on July 31, 2024)




The event aims to bring together people interested in observing live butterflies and moths, providing opportunities for the practice of Citizen Science, the democratization of knowledge, scientific inclusion and the recognition of good actions in environmental education, research and conservation of lepidopterans.








1.1.        The theme of the 7th Meeting of Butterfly Watching is: From butterfly houses to natural environments.


1.2.        All practices and participants must be aligned with the International Principles of Citizen Science promulgated by the European Citizen Science Association in 2015.

1.3.        The event structure will consist of types of activities, according to the organization's definitions, including:


a. Lectures and/or courses

b. Butterfly and/or moth observation practices

c. Scientific publications

d. Workgroup


1.4.        After the end of the event, the following will be published:


A.    ANNALS: containing summaries of all lectures/courses, the list of practices carried out with the names of the proposing coordinators, the approved scientific articles, the results of the Working Group on the 10 Principles of Butterfly and Moth Observation and, among others, the references to all supporters. Publication will be carried out in accordance with Federal Law no. 10,753/2003, Resolution no. 184/2017 of the Federal Council of Librarianship and will be made available in open access at the Comfauna Livros address, with access via the event blog.


B.    Book Butterflies houses of Brazil: this work will be composed of introductory elements and chapters that present the different Brazilian butterfly houses registered, with the authors of each butterfly houses presentation. Publication will be carried out in accordance with Federal Law no. 10,753/2003, Resolution no. 184/2017 of the Federal Library Council and will be made available in open access.


1.5.        The organization of the event has the support of coordinations/commissions, which will be published on the event blog's website:


1.6.        The participants enrolled in the project that brings together nature observation practices will be AWARDED* with a diploma of honor issued by the Biogeographic Institute, signed by one or more members of the organization ( butterfly-watching-meeting):


1. The one who got the most records of butterflies and moths.

2. The one who obtained, among its records, a greater number of species.

3. The Practice Coordinator who demonstrated in their in-person activity the participation of the largest number of people enrolled in the project.


*Event organizers may participate, but will not compete with other participants. Other prizes may be awarded to event participants as decided by the organization.


1.7.   All event organizers and coordinators will act on a voluntary basis.






2.1.   All lectures will be online and expected to last one hour.


2.2.   Participation as an interactive listener in the live broadcast of the lectures is voluntary and free of charge. All you need to do is subscribe to the Terra das Borboletas channel.


2.3.   All speakers will be volunteers.


2.4.   There will be lectures given by invited speakers and registered speakers (as approved by the organization/coordination).


2.3 Those interested in speaking can submit proposals that will be accepted or not by the organization, depending on the scope of the event, Standing Orders of the 7th Meeting of Butterfly Watching and agenda availability. Those that are approved will be announced at the event and will have their issues and speaker names integrated into the ANNALS publication.


2.4 Proposals for lectures on scientific articles submitted to the event, chapters from the book Borboletários do Brasil and others will be accepted, as long as they are aligned with the scope of the event.


2.5 Approved speakers will receive communication via the WhatsApp address provided, indicating the day, time, transmission link for the public and exclusive access link for the speaker. The lack of confirmation of communications to the organization, absence or unjustified delay in the lecture time will result in the disqualification of the speaker and the lecture in the event promotional materials and the ANNALS.


2.6 Each speaker who requests will receive a declaration of voluntary participation as a speaker in the 7th Meeting of Butterfly Watching, issued by the Biogeographic Institute, in PDF, digitally signed by one or more members of the organization, containing date, time and transmission link (the lectures will be available on the Terra das Borboletas channel for an indefinite period of time), except in the case of disqualification.


2.7 Submission of lecture proposals will be done by filling out the form and complying with all its recommendations:


2.8. The organization's decision on the selection of lectures is sovereign, with no appeal and will be conducted according to the following criteria:


a.    Two (2) lectures from registered speakers will be selected, unless otherwise decided by the organization/coordination.


b.    Any of the categories of participants defined in this notice may register for lectures.


c.     The compatibility of the proposal with the principles and theme of the event will be assessed.


d.    The speaker must, obligatorily, demonstrate experience with observing butterflies and moths in life, and have a history of acting in accordance with the International Principles of Citizen Science (2015).


e.    The organizing committee/coordinations reserves the right not to select any lecture from registered speakers, if the proposals do not align with the scope of the event.







3.1 Lepidoptera observation practices will take place between November 26th and 30th, 2024, starting at midnight on the 26th and ending at midnight on November 30th, 2024.


3.3.   Registration from any interested parties who wish to take on the responsibility of conducting a practice can be done independently in the event's field practice project: de-butterflies


3.4.   The practices may take place in groups, coordinated by a responsible proponent, individual or institution, who has a history of experience with nature observation and is over 18 years old. 


3.5.   Each participant authorizes the Practice Coordinators to send one or more photographs to the event organization, with their image along with the other participants in the practice they conducted, for possible purposes of inclusion in the ANNALS and others publicity of the event.


3.6.   Registration for Practice Coordination must be made by filling out the form:


3.7.   Practice Coordinators must guide participants on all aspects of their practice and ask them to register for the project: Only registered participants will compete for prizes.


3.8.   The name of the Practice Coordinator, location, date, start/end times and total number of participants are information that will appear in the event announcements and in the ANNALS.





4.1.   For the purposes of these rules for submitting scientific articles/book chapters, the following categories of participants and their definitions are considered:


A.    Citizen scientist: someone who produces legitimate science on a voluntary basis, such as the contributions of biodiversity records on citizen science platforms, who, although they may have academic training, does not depend on it for their scientific work, and has no link with a research institution in the which depends to your performance in the area of ​​biodiversity.


B.    Professional scientist: from undergraduate student to postdoctoral fellow who receives or has received some form of remuneration to carry out any activity related to the submitted article, and/or for this purpose, there was a link with a research institution in which he works or has worked in the area of biodiversity.


C.    Butterfly houses managers or those responsible for them: professionals in the management or responsibility of butterfly houses, lepidopteran breeding grounds or similar institutions that work in the area of ​​ex situ or integrated conservation.


4.2.   Each author/co-author of scientific articles (lepidoptera registration and traditional articles) must pay 1 (one) submission fee for each 1 (one) of the articles submitted.             


4.3 Butterfly houses presentations (Exclusively for participant category item 4.1/c of ​​this notice).


A.    At the end of the event, the book Borboletários do Brasil will be published, containing chapters written by the proponents with information about the different butterfly houses, breeding sites or similar initiatives in Brazil.


B.    Participation in this book chapter category will be by filling out the form:

4.4. Scientific article on lepidopteran records (Open to all categories of participants of item 4.1a/b/c of ​​this notice): covers biodiversity records and will be submitted by filling out and sending the form:

a.     - Specific records will be accepted, consisting of photography and associated data obtained in accordance with the ethics of nature observation, preferably already published on a citizen science platform, but with the extra information requested in the form and its special relevance explained.

b.     - Biodiversity records of butterflies, moths, or other beings associated with them (plants, predators, parasites, etc.) will be accepted at any stage of development, whether in situ or ex situ, as long as their outstanding relevance is demonstrated.


4.5.  Traditional scientific article (Open to all categories of participants of item 4.1a/b/c of ​​this notice), according to the following format in Word:


a. A4 size page.

b. Times New Roman font, size 12, single spacing, justified text.

c. Margins: top and left – 3.0 cm; bottom and right – 2 cm.

d. Title of the article presented in bold and centered, font size 14. Other titles without capital letters, in font size 12 and bold.

e. Name of the author and, if applicable, co-authors, below the title, centered, in the format: SURNAME, first name. In the case of more than one author, names separated by “;”.

f. Position/function/institution of each author/co-author below the authors' names, centered.



Example (d, e, f):


"Article title


OLIVEIRA, Maria (1); SILVA, João (2)


1. Citizen scientist, independent researcher; 2. Biologist, Biogeographic Institute






g. Summary in a single paragraph, justified, up to 600 characters without spaces.

h. Keywords: three, in order of importance, separated by periods.

i. Suggested structure for the article (not mandatory): A. Introduction, B. Objective(s), C. Methodology, D. Results and discussion, E. Conclusion, F. References, according to ABNT – NBR 6023, with font size 10 - all scientific articles must present References


i.1.- Species lists may be published with a simplified structure: Summary containing information that identifies the profile of the list, List and References

i.2 - The List can be formatted in one or more columns and, exceptionally, a greater number of total pages may be permitted for the species list article.

i.3. - Titles of species list articles must begin with the word "List".


j. Maximum number of pages with all elements: 3 (three).

k.Graphics, photographs and figures will be permitted, as long as they are produced by the authors, previously indicated in the text and presented with numbered titles, font size 10. Images with a minimum of 300dpi/jpeg.

l. Reference for nomenclature of butterflies (Papilionoidea): Butterflies of America or iNaturalist.

4.5.1.   Traditional scientific articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish, related to butterfly observation or pollinators, will be published in the event's ANNALS, in one of the CATEGORIES:

a.    Scientific research.

b.    Practices or experiences.

c.     Case reports.

4.5.2.   The AREAS of knowledge about butterflies and Citizen Science at this event cover:

a. Biology and/or ecology of pollinators. 

b. Lepidoptera observation and/or Citizen Science.

c. Environmental education.

d. Botany for Lepidoptera.

e. In situ, ex situ or integrated conservation practice.

4.5.3. Article files must be sent in Word to the address:, with the title: “SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE” followed by the name of the proponent, together with proof of payment of the submission fee(s).

4.6. When submitting articles, the authors declare that they are unpublished, original scientific contributions, never published before and that they do not incur any type of violation of copyright, other laws or ethical precepts.

4.7. There is no limit to the number of articles that each author can submit.

4.8. Only scientific articles whose submission fees for all authors are proven to be paid will be evaluated for inclusion in the ANNALS.

4.9. Articles may or may not receive recommendations for reformulation from the Scientific Committee, which must be met within the deadline determined by the event organization.

4.10. Scientific articles that are submitted will be irrevocably disqualified, without refund of the submission fee, without the possibility of corrections for new submission if:

a. Authored by those who declare themselves as citizen scientists and the organization finds that they meet some of the characteristics defined in this notice for professional scientists.

b.Using data obtained from any citizen science platform, social network, or other, without citing the names of the individuals, authors who originally published them and the electronic address at which each record used is available, as instructed by NBR 6023 - ABNT.

c. Those who violate, in any way, the Copyright Law, any other Brazilian law, ethical precept or any of the International Principles of Citizen Science (2015).

4.11. Disqualified articles will not be published in the ANNALS of the 7th Meeting of Butterfly Watching.

4.12. The organization's decision to declassify a scientific article is sovereign, irrevocable, cannot be appealed and there will be no refund of the submission fee(s). Authors will be notified of the reasons for disqualification.



5.1 Submission of scientific works and lecture proposals: from 09/20/2024, until 10/04/2024.

5.2 Proposals for field practices to be carried out during the event, between November 26th and 30th: until 11/22/2024.

5.3.1st opinion of the organization* on submissions of lectures and scientific works: until 10/18/2024. 

* Those approved will have their names, institutions and titles of articles/initiatives published on the event blog, where they must be consulted. Requests for information will not be handled through other channels. Notifications will be sent by email to authors whose proposals have been disqualified or require adjustments.

5.4. Submission of revised version of scientific articles: until 10/25/2024.

5.5. Articles approved by the Scientific Committee in their revised version will have their titles and authors' names published on the event's website until 11/22/2024.

5.6. Request to participate as a member of the Scientific Committee: until 09/27/2024.

5.7. For the purposes of the awards, the inclusion of lepidopteran records in the project can be done until December 5, 2024 (

5.8. Announcement of the final results of the event and awards: 7/12/2024.



6.1. The event, an initiative of the Biogeographic Institute and the Terra das Borboletas channel, will have all supporters as partners.

6.2.   Supporters will have their initiative publicized in the opening live broadcasts, in the closing video, on the event's website and Terra das Borboletas social media, in the ANNALS, in the Book Borboletários do Brasil and others that the organization may define.





7.2. There will be no fees for access to lectures and practices, only for submitting scientific articles and issuing declarations.

7.3. The method of payment of fees will be via PIX: 57.222.711/0001-28 (Instituto Biogeografico).


a. Submission fees will not be refunded.

b. Citizen scientists (4.3 item "a", symbolic fee): R$ 15.00 (per work submitted).

c. Professional scientists (4.3 items "b" and "c"): R$ 100.00 (50% discount for professional scientists who are undergraduate students).

d. Each registered speaker, Practice Coordinator, member of the Scientific Committee, author of a chapter of the book Borboletários do Brasil and supporter, will be entitled to a free registration for submission of a scientific article.


a. Declaration of participation in the event must be requested by filling out and sending the form:

b. Declaration Issuance Fee: R$50.00 (request until 11/30/2024); R$ 100.00 (request between 12/01 and 12/07/2024); R$ 200.00 (requests made from 12/07/2024).

c. The list of statements issued with the respective names of the participants, their summaries/summaries and practices that they integrated may be published.


7.6.   SUPPORT: The supporter must send a file of their logo, in jpeg format, via email: and support proposal. Donations of any amount to the Biogeographic Institute, a non-profit institution that works in nature conservation and democratization of knowledge, are welcome: PIX: 57.222.711/0001-28 (Instituto Biogeografico).



8.1.   To watch the lectures for free, we ask you to subscribe to the Terra das Borboletas channel, where all interactive live broadcasts of the event will take place:

8.2.   Registration for butterfly and moth observation practices: Registration on the iNaturalist platform is required. Practices in coordinated groups, consult each of the responsible coordinators: PRACTICES OF OBSERVING BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. 

8.3.   Registration to coordinate practices:

8.4.   Registration to give lectures:

8.5.   Registration for publication of a scientific article about recording Lepidoptera:

8.6.   Registration for publication of traditional scientific articles:

8.7.   Submission of chapters for the book Borboletários do Brasil:

8.8 Participation as a member of the Scientific Committee. Request using the form until 09/15/2024, informing your full name, contact method, areas of your habilitation, the reason why you want to join this committee and justifying the reason why you consider important your contribution, within the scope of items 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 of this notice. The approved names must be consulted on the event blog by 09/20/2024. All members of the Scientific Committee will have their names included in the ANNALS and other forms of publicity for the event, unless the approved member fails to comply with any item in the notice or the dates for sending evaluations defined by the organization.

8.9.   Request for statements:



9.1.    The 7th  Meeting of Butterfly Watching is an initiative of the Biogeographic Institute and Canal Terra das Borboletas.

9.2.   The website for the 7th Meeting of Butterfly Watching is: and announcements on social media will be made through Terra das Butterflies profiles.

9.3.   Minors under 18 may only participate in any event activities accompanied by their legal guardians.

9.4.   Cases not provided for in this notice will be resolved by the organization/coordinations in a sovereign manner and without the possibility of appeal.



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